A Tour of Connecticut Country House

On Sunday afternoon, Colette and I traveled down to Connecticut to tour Nora Murphy's Connecticut Country House! What a thrill to meet Nora Murphy! A source of ongoing inspiration to me with her heartfelt New England style, her blog, Facebook, Instagram account, and online magazine are among my very favorites!

Her lovely home was part of the Newtown Connecticut Historical Society's Home & Garden tour. Nora and her husband, known to her readers as "Murph", guided small groups of visitors through each room, narrating about the history of the room, its furnishings and collections, and how they use each room now. Her photos are far superior to mine, so I heartily encourage you to pop over to her blog, Nora Murphy Country House, and see their home through her eyes, and I'll just share a few photos here.

Every room is light-filled, welcoming, and has that effortless grace that just makes you feel instantly at home. Two rooms, however, were my favorites: the larger dining room and the family/TV room.

Dining rooms always make me happy, because they mean good food, friends, and cherished memories. And a well-set table is just a thing of beauty!

I also loved the intimacy of the family room, with its cozy cluster of wing back chairs. The many windows flooded the room with light and invited views of the lawn and gardens outside. And what a spectacular, soaring hollyhock!

And lastly, one of our favorite predominating features of Nora and Murph's home were the personal touches which evoke memories for their family, like this jumbo glass vase filled with shells collected from vacations to the Cape and Nantucket.

If you missed the tour, don't miss her blog and e-magazine! Inspiration with every turn of the page! It was a joy to meet you, Nora!